Master the technique of

Cervical Rejuvenation with DeepNeck Course

Learn Advanced Techniques for Neck Rejuvenation Safely and Efficiently
Pre-sale: August 18th | 9 AM
Be Specialized

Why Choose This Course?

Our DeepNeck course is designed for you.
With years of experience and a practical approach, we offer training that will enable you to perform cervical rejuvenation procedures with natural and long-lasting results.

Practical Techniques

What will you learn?


Specific techniques for neck rejuvenation, focusing on natural and long-lasting results.

Safety and Efficiency

Methods that minimize risks and complications, ensuring greater safety for you and your patients.

Quick recovery

Procedures with lower downtime, allowing your patients to return to their normal activities more quickly.

Don't be left behind

Benefits of the Course

Natural Results

Techniques that guarantee a rejuvenated appearance without the stigma of invasive procedures.


Methods that minimize risks and complications, ensuring greater safety for you and your patients.

Quick recovery

Procedures with less downtime, allowing your patients to return to their normal activities more quickly.

Professional Development

Learn techniques perfected over 18 years of clinical practice, raising your level of expertise.


Exclusive bonuses

Support Community

Access to an exclusive group to answer questions and share experiences with other professionals.

Live Mentoring

Opportunity to attend live surgeries, increasing your practical experience and understanding of techniques.

Course of Postoperative Management

Access to essential strategies and care to ensure safe and efficient recovery.

Don't be left behind


"Patricia Dorsa, que participou do Curso Browlift, fala sobre o método de ensino do Dr. Robério Brandão: O curso do Dr. Robério foi essencial para aprimorar minhas técnicas, especialmente em frontoplastia por visão direta e ENDOMIDFACE. Agora, ofereço resultados ainda melhores aos meus pacientes..

— Dra. Patricia Dorsa

"Dr. Cesar, participante do Curso Browlift, compartilha sua opinião sobre o método de ensino do Dr. Robério Brandão:Recomendo o curso organizado pelo Dr. Robério. É extremamente prático, com vídeos e conselhos úteis. Ideal tanto para iniciantes quanto para cirurgiões experientes que desejam aprimorar seus resultados e a satisfação dos pacientes..

— Dr Cézar

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Waiting list

Don't miss the chance to transform your career and offer superior results to your patients.

Sign up for our waiting list and be the first to know when registration opens.

Why join the waiting list?

Priority Access

Receive information about the course before anyone else.

Exclusive Discounts

Get access to special offers for those on the waiting list.

Exclusive Contents

Receive exclusive materials and tips to further improve your skills while you wait for the course to start.

About Expert

Robério Brandão?

Dr. Robério Brandão is a facial surgeon with more than 18 years of experience and more than 1000 surgeries performed. A pioneer in videoendoscopic facial surgery techniques, he is recognized for his natural results and his safe and efficient approach. Dr. Brandão is a reference in his field and is dedicated to sharing his knowledge with surgeons in search of excellence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Somente cirurgião plástico ou residentes em cirurgia plástica que desejam aprimorar suas técnicas e obter resultados superiores em procedimentos de rejuvenescimento cervical.

We are finalizing preparations for the next class. Sign up for the waitlist to be notified as soon as registration opens.

The course includes lectures, practical demonstrations, live mentoring sessions and access to an exclusive community for ongoing support.

Get on the waitlist now and take the next step towards
become a DeepNeck expert!

Para mais informações, entre em contato conosco pelo email ou pelo telefone +55 (84) 9488-9554.

Join us and

Transform your surgical practice with advanced techniques and exceptional results!


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